Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Workout

With only 12 days before Christmas, I thought it would be fun to provide a "12 Days of Christmas" workout. This workout will be just like the song goes...

Here is the workout format:

Exercise #1 for 12 reps, then...
Exercise #1 for 12 reps and then the exercise #2 for 11 reps, then...
Exercise #1 (12 reps), then exercise #2 (11 reps), then exercise #3 (10 reps)...
Continue this routine until you get to 1 rep
This is a "ladder" style of circuit which can be done with any number of exercises and for any number of reps.  It's a simple way to make an easy workout challenging.
You will have completed a total of 650 reps when finished with all exercises.

#1  Bodyweight squats - 12 reps

#2  Mountain Climbers - 11 reps

#3  Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls - 10 reps

#4  Pushups - 9 reps

#5  Walking Lunges - 8 reps per leg

#6   Jumping Jacks - 7 reps 

#7  Dips - 6 reps (either on dip machine or off a chair or bench)

#8  Burpees - 5 reps

#9  Inverted Rows - 4 reps

#10  Russian Twists - 3 per side

#11  Squat Jumps - 2 reps

#12  1 minute plank (either on hands, elbows or on Swiss Ball)

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