Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sample workout

A few days ago I asked the question which type of workout you like most.  I also mentioned that I would post a sample workout of the type of workouts I like to do.  Keeping workouts creative while strength training can be the secret for some to keeping them on path of reaching their goal/s.  No matter your goal, have a purpose each time you go to the gym.  My goal is training for obstacle races.

Here is a sample workout that you can try on your own, just be warned that it is not going to be easy.    

Make sure to get in a good warm up of at least 10-15 min. of dynamic stretching and some light thera-band exercises for the shoulder (internal/external rotation, flexion/extension).

5 sets of the following, without any rest between exercises:
x5 Pushups
x10 Squats
REST 1 min.
3 sets of the following, with 15-30 sec rest between exercises:
x20-sec Sprint
x8 Barbell Bent-Over Row
x8 Barbell Overhead Press
REST 1 min.
3 sets of the following, 15-30 sec rest between exercises:
25-sec Sprint
Barbell Curls
DB Triceps Press
REST 1 min.
3 sets of the following with 15-30 sec rest between exercises:
30-sec Sprint
Barbell Power Cleans
Barbell Upright Rows
REST 1 min.
2 sets of the following with 1-2 min. rest between sets:
x30 Burpees


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