Monday, August 6, 2012

August Health Questionnaire

It's time again for my monthly health questionnaire to test your fitness/nutrition knowledge.  I will post results on August 22nd.  Good luck and try to answer without looking up the answers.  Of course, after you answer them, then do your research, but come back to see results on August 22nd to see how you did.

1.       Low body fat % is a good indicator of health?
a.       True
b.      False

2.       Of the 3 areas of fitness, which one of the following is the most important if you want to see results?
a.       Weights
b.      Nutrition
c.       Cardio
d.      None of the Above

3.       The amount of fat your body carries is less important than where your body stores it?
a.       True
b.      False

4.       Which source of fat is considered to be more dangerous?
a.       Subcutaneous fat
b.      Visceral fat

5.       Eating 2 or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week will help reduce your risk of Parkinson’s disease?
a.       True
b.      False

6.       Which food contains more protein per 6oz portions?
a.       Turkey meat
b.      Carrots
c.       Mussels
d.      Buffalo meat

7.       Having a positive attitude and outlook on life can reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke by 50%?
a.       True
b.      False

8.       What is the correct carb-to-protein ratio after endurance exercise?
a.       1-2:1
b.      2-3:1
c.       3-4:1
d.      4-5:1

9.       Which weighs more, fat or muscle?
a.       Fat
b.      Muscle
c.       Neither, they are the same

10.   By increasing your metabolism, you will…?
a.       Gain more muscle and get stronger
b.      Burn more calories during the day
c.       Get toned
d.      Impress your friends

11.   Which carbohydrate is most commonly found in fruits?
a.       Sucrose
b.      Galactose
c.       Fructose
d.      Maltose

12.   Performing a knee extension exercise will work primarily which muscle?
a.       Hamstrings
b.      Gluteus Maximus
c.       Quadriceps
d.      Tibialis Anterior

13.   What is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fascilitation?
a.       A body building routine
b.      A device for measuring muscle mass
c.       A type of stretching
d.      Measuring reflexes

14.   What might happen if you don’t cool down after exercise?
a.       Dizziness
b.      Fainting
c.       Blood Pooling
d.      Muscle Soreness
e.      All of the Above

15.   Inactive people who do NOT strength train will lose _____ of muscle per year, starting after age 20?
a.       0 pounds
b.      ¼ pound
c.       ½ pound
d.      1 pound 

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