Thursday, August 9, 2012

Client success!!!

We've all seen the "before" and "after" photos of people who have successfully lost weight or bulked up with muscle.  I want to share one of my clients' success with you.  Her name is Cathy Baumiller, and not only is she a member of Anytime Fitness and a client of mine, she is also an Army National Guard Captain.

Cathy had approached me near the end of February about helping her with her goal of losing weight, increasing muscle in order to meet and exceed her Army PT Tests (push ups, sit ups, 2-mile run).  She would need to perform all of these exercises to a certain rep # and under a certain time limit.

"Before" front view

"Before" side view

When I did Cathy's initial Fitness Evaluation, she weighed 153lbs. and had a Body Fat % of 33.8%.  She also mentioned that she consumed beer on a regular basis (after all we do live in Central Oregon where the best micro-brews exists).  

"After" front view

"After" side view

After 4.5 months of training together, Cathy's weight is down to 142lbs and her Body Fat% is now an excellent 22.4%.  About 1 month ago she had one of her PT Tests and she informed me that she set personal records for all 3 exercises.  Along with her reduction in weight, strength gains, and reduced body fat%, Cathy's balance has improved tremendously.  Her improved core strength has also helped with her posture (as noted in the "after"side view photo). She has reduced the beer consumption and has greatly improved her diet habits, most importantly reducing her sodium intake.

Cathy's self-image has also improved in the fact that she is much more confident in herself.  She's mentioned that she has been getting hit-on by guys a lot more frequently lately.  

Cathy still has a few more goals, so expect another "after" photo in a few months.  


Cathy B said...

As embarassing "before" but an almost awesome after! I really do feel great about myself, and I do owe a lot of it to Sloane, if nothing other than holding me accountable even on the beer! ;)Cathy Baumiller

TrainersRoom said...

Every pound lost is cause for a celebration. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
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